
4284A Agilent LCR Meter

4284A Agilent LCR Meter

The 4284A is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.
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  • 4284A-2.jpg
  • Keysight_Agilent_4284A.jpeg

Additional Features

  • 20 Hz to 1 MHz with over with 8610 selectable test frequencies
  • Exceptional basic accuracy of 0.05%
  • Measures: |Z|-theta, |Y|-theta, R-X, G-B, C-D, Q, ESR, G, Rp, L-D, deviation, and deviation %
  • DC bias to 2 V
  • GPIB

The Agilent 4284A precision LCR meter is a cost-effective solution for component and material measurement. The wide 20 Hz to 1 MHz test frequency range and superior test-signal performance allow the Agilent 4284A to test components to the most commonly-used test standards, such as IEC/MIL standards, and under conditions that simulate the intended application. Whether in research and development, production, quality assurance, or incoming inspection, the Agilent 4284A will meet all of your LCR meter test and measurement requirements.